Chantelle Otten, Author at Men's Health Magazine Australia Fitness, Health, Weight Loss, Nutrition, Sex & Style Mon, 15 Apr 2024 05:03:26 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Chantelle Otten, Author at Men's Health Magazine Australia 32 32 Asking for a mate . . . with Chantelle Otten Mon, 15 Apr 2024 05:03:26 +0000 Each month, Men’s Health’s sex and relationship’s panellist Chantelle Otten assists you (or your mate!) with your most private and pressing bedroom concerns. This month: how can I last longer in bed?

The post Asking for a mate . . . with Chantelle Otten appeared first on Men's Health Magazine Australia.

“Dear Chantelle,

sometimes I don’t last as long as I’d like in bed. What’s your advice for improving my stamina?”

IMPROVING STAMINA IN the bedroom is a common goal for many penis owners, so you’re definitely not alone in this. Let’s break it down and dive into some tips to help you go the distance.

First up, let’s talk about cock rings. These little devices can be a game-changer when it comes to stamina. How do they work? By constricting blood flow out of the penis, they can help maintain a stronger and longer-lasting erection. Plus, they can enhance sensitivity, leading to more intense orgasms. Experimenting with different types and sizes can help you find what works best for you. Just remember to use them safely and not leave them on for too long to avoid any unwanted side effects.

Next, let’s tackle the art of edging. This technique involves bringing yourself, or your partner, close to the brink of orgasm, then backing off before reaching the point of no return. By doing this repeatedly, you can train your body to delay ejaculation and build up your stamina over time. It’s like a workout for your sexual stamina muscles. Plus, it can add a whole new level of anticipation and pleasure to your sex life.

Exploring sexual techniques further, the ‘stop-start method’ offers a hands-on way to boost stamina. It’s pretty straightforward: get stimulated up to the point where you’re just about to climax, then hit the pause button on all the action to let that excitement cool down. After cooling down for a bit, you’re back at it. Doing this a few times while you’re getting busy helps teach your body to hold off on ejaculation, slowly but surely increasing your control and lengthening the time you can keep going.

Edging and the start-stop method are all about boosting your sexual staying power and getting a grip on when you climax. The difference is, with edging, you ride the wave right up to the edge before you dial down the excitement, keeping that buzz going longer. The start-stop technique? That’s hitting the pause button completely, letting things cool off before ramping up again.

In addition to these techniques, incorporating regular exercise into your routine can also make a big difference. Cardiovascular workouts, like running or swimming, can improve blood flow and overall endurance, which can translate to better performance in the bedroom.

Strength training exercises, like squats and deadlifts, can also help boost testosterone levels, which can enhance libido and stamina.

And let’s not forget about the power of communication. Talking openly with your partner about your desires, concerns, and what feels good can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience for both of you. Plus, it can take some of the pressure off performance, allowing you to relax and enjoy the moment.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the importance of relaxation and stress management. Stress and anxiety can have a major impact on sexual performance, so finding healthy ways to unwind and de-stress, whether it’s through meditation, yoga, or just taking some time for yourself, can help improve your stamina in the bedroom.

Remember, it’s all about finding what works best for you and your partner, so don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun along the way.

For those looking for structured guidance, my Premature Ejaculation Course is tailored specifically to help penis owners improve their stamina through strategies, exercises, and advice. Check out more details here.


Asking for a mate . . . with Chantelle Otten: kinks

Asking for a mate . . . with Chantelle Otten: hair loss

The post Asking for a mate . . . with Chantelle Otten appeared first on Men's Health Magazine Australia.

Asking for a mate… with Chantelle Otten Thu, 07 Mar 2024 02:40:04 +0000 Each month, Men’s Health’s sex and relationship’s panellist Chantelle Otten assists you (or your mate!) with your most private and pressing bedroom concerns. This month: is it normal to be curious about sexual kinks?

The post Asking for a mate… with Chantelle Otten appeared first on Men's Health Magazine Australia.

“Dear Chantelle,

I’ve always been curious about the idea of exploring different kinks, like spanking or voyeurism, but find it’s something I can’t talk about with my mates. Is it normal to be curious about this?”

Absolutely, it’s completely normal to be curious about exploring different kinks. In fact, curiosity about kinks is more common than you might think. It’s just that not everyone feels comfortable discussing it openly, especially with their friends.

First off, let’s talk about what we mean by “kinks.” Kinks are basically any sexual preferences or activities that fall outside of what’s considered mainstream or vanilla.

The range of kinks spans from mild to wild, encompassing a diverse spectrum of sexual preferences and activities. Mild kinks may include playful role-playing, light bondage, or sensual sensory play, offering a gentle introduction to exploring sexual desires. Moving along the spectrum, moderate kinks like spanking, exhibitionism, or foot fetishism delve deeper into alternative desires, adding elements of power dynamics or sensory stimulation. At the more extreme end, wild kinks such as BDSM, edgeplay, or water sports involve intense forms of power exchange, risk exploration, or unconventional practices that push the boundaries of conventional sexual expression. What defines mild or wild varies from person to person, but we need to emphasise the importance of open communication, mutual consent, and respect for individual boundaries when exploring the diverse world of kinks.

Now, why might you be curious about exploring kinks? Well, there are a bunch of reasons. Maybe you’ve stumbled across something online that made you curious, or perhaps you’ve had a fantasy or two that got you thinking about it. Maybe you’re just curious about pushing your sexual boundaries and trying something new. Whatever the reason, it’s all good and as long as you are maintaining safety and consent, then it’s something to be excited about!

But here’s the thing—talking about kinks can be a bit of a taboo topic, especially among friends. Society tends to have some pretty strict ideas about what’s “normal” when it comes to sex, and anything outside of that can be seen as a bit, well, out there. So it’s understandable that you might feel a bit hesitant to bring it up with your friends.

That’s where I come in. As a sex therapist, I’m here to tell you that there’s nothing wrong with being curious about kinks. In fact, exploring your sexual interests in a safe and consensual way can be a really positive thing. It can help you learn more about yourself, deepen your connection with your partner(s), and even spice up your sex life.

So how can you go about exploring your curiosity about kinks? Well, first off, it’s important to remember that communication is key. If you’re in a relationship, talking openly and honestly with your partner about your interests and fantasies can be a great way to start exploring together. And if you’re single, there are plenty of ways to safely explore kinks on your own or with a trusted partner.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it’s okay to take things slow. You don’t have to dive headfirst into the deep end of the kink pool if you’re not ready. Start by doing some research, maybe reading up on different kinks like BDSM, role-playing, or sensory play, or talking to people who are experienced in the scene. And when you do start experimenting, make sure to prioritise safety and consent above all else.

Now, I don’t think I need to mention this, but not everyone is into kinks, and that’s totally okay, too. We’re all different, and what works for one person might not work for another. The key is to stay true to yourself and your own desires, whatever they may be, but remember to ALWAYS respect others desires and always ask for consent. I don’t like hearing horror stories of people who have had kink practices explored on them without being told beforehand.

So to sum it all up, yes, it’s totally normal to be curious about exploring different kinks. And while it might not be the easiest topic to broach with your friends, know that there are plenty of people out there—including yours truly—who are more than happy to talk about it with you. So don’t be afraid to embrace your curiosity and start exploring—who knows what you might discover along the way!


Asking for a mate with Chantelle Otten: hair loss

A list of 30 sexual kinks and fetishes we know you’re curious about

The post Asking for a mate… with Chantelle Otten appeared first on Men's Health Magazine Australia.

Asking for a mate… with Chantelle Otten Tue, 20 Feb 2024 04:58:32 +0000 Each month, Men’s Health’s sex and relationship’s panellist Chantelle Otten assists you (or your mate!) with your most private and pressing bedroom concerns. This month: how hair loss affects sexual confidence.

The post Asking for a mate… with Chantelle Otten appeared first on Men's Health Magazine Australia.

Dear Chantelle,

“I’m losing my hair and my confidence. I’m worried people won’t find me attractive anymore. I’ve heard about Finasteride. Should I try that?”

First off, you’re not alone in feeling this way. The connection between how we see our bodies and our overall feelings, including those about our sex lives, is incredibly strong. Studies consistently show that when men aren’t happy with things like body shape, muscularity, or even hair loss, it can deeply affect their self-esteem. This, in turn, influences how confident they feel in intimate settings.

Regarding hair loss, it’s a concern for many but also an opportunity to redefine what masculinity means to you. Society’s views on hair loss are evolving, with many now seeing it as a symbol of maturity and distinct appeal. Embracing this change can not only shift how you view yourself but also how others perceive your confidence and sexual allure.

Finasteride comes into play here as a potential solution for hair retention and is a medication that’s been proven to combat hair loss in men, particularly those dealing with male pattern baldness. Its primary mechanism is quite fascinating—it works by preventing the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone responsible for hair follicle shrinkage, which ultimately leads to hair loss. By inhibiting this process, Finasteride can effectively slow down, and in some cases, reverse hair thinning.

On the pro side, Finasteride has a strong track record of promoting hair regrowth and preventing further hair loss. Many users report significant improvements, not just in their hairline, but also in their self-confidence and how they perceive themselves. This can, by extension, positively affect one’s social and sexual life, reinforcing a sense of attractiveness and self-worth.

However, it’s crucial to weigh these benefits against the potential downsides. Finasteride’s side effects can impact sexual health, including decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculation disorders. Although these side effects are relatively uncommon and often reversible upon discontinuation of the medication, they are a significant concern for some guys. It’s essential to have an open and honest discussion with a healthcare provider about these potential risks to make an informed decision.

Navigating hair loss and its effects on body image and sexual confidence requires more than just treatment. It involves a holistic approach: exploring all options, finding support from communities or professionals, and focusing on overall wellness.

Remember, true attractiveness goes beyond physical appearance. It’s about confidence, authenticity, and embracing your uniqueness. Hair or no hair, your self-assurance is what truly enhances your appeal.

For those curious, I’ll delve deeper into Finasteride on my Instagram @chantelle_otten_sexologist.


INSTAGRAM I @jasonstatham



Everything you need to know about hair loss

Our pick of the best eco-friendly sex toys and products

The post Asking for a mate… with Chantelle Otten appeared first on Men's Health Magazine Australia.

‘My Girlfriend’s Never Cum and I Feel Like a Failure’ Fri, 08 Oct 2021 00:37:53 +0000 Sexologist Chantelle Otten answers your burning questions.

The post ‘My Girlfriend’s Never Cum and I Feel Like a Failure’ appeared first on Men's Health Magazine Australia.


This is a topic that comes up for me time and time again from my patients at work. And it’s super common! Not everyone can orgasm, Research suggests that 5 to 10 percent of women have never experienced an orgasm, and about 16 percent of women are unsure or have not had an orgasm by age 28. It’s hard to tell from this research how many respondents were not able to have an orgasm under any circumstance or just had not done enough exploration to find the right way to orgasm for their body. 

Getting an orgasm is like riding a bike, and sometimes when we are learning how to do something, we put too much pressure on ourselves. We focus so much on the destination that we don’t learn to enjoy the journey. Some people are naturally able to ride a bike quickly and easily, and some people have to relax and learn how to do so with time. Just remember: there is no rush.

I speak further about how to find an orgasm in my book ‘The Sex Ed You Never Had’.

‘My girlfriend has never come while having sex with me. Is that normal? What can I do to change this?’

Many vulva owners can orgasm by themselves, but struggle with a partner. This is because of a few things. 

Firstly, one of the problems with difficulty with orgasm is the fact that we are shown through media and cultural representation that ‘real sex’ is penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex and other types of sex are foreplay. First of all, this is problematic because it rules out a huge part of the LGBTQIA+ community as well as people with certain disabilities, those who experience painful sex, and sufferers of erectile dysfunction.

Look, the penis is nowhere near the clitoris, and the clitoris is a key player in achieving orgasm. So penetration alone will be challenging for vulva owners to reach orgasm. 

Next, there is not enough time spent on the clitoris. 5 minutes of play usually doesn’t cut it, you need at least 25 minutes of great clitoral stimulation to climax! So communicate with each other about this, and what feels good. Eliminate any pressures you have on each other to reach orgasm, and aim for pleasure instead!

‘Should I use sex toys?’

Yes, you should! Countless sexual wellness brands liberate sexual pleasure, such as Lovehoney, offer products that provide new and different types of sensations and fun for solo or partnered sex. Sex toys have been a game-changer in ensuring that vulva owners also experience pleasure—because, let’s face it, vulva owners often get neglected. And there are just some things that a penis or fingers or mouth cannot do (like vibrate, lol!).

In the world that we live in we are busy, swamped, on the run, and we have lots of responsibilities. Sometimes those responsibilities ​​leave us with just enough energy to have sex, but we don’t have enough energy to be super creative in the bedroom. To remedy this, I propose adding fun products to your sex life.

You can start with solo sex first before adding them to partnered play. Every time you and your sexual partner get down and dirty, you might start having sex the same way. To mix it up, every second or third time you can try something a little bit different and introduce a toy! This way you will be adding another thing to your sexual menu (bellissimo!) and adding some spice to your erotic episodes. And I mean, what’s the worst thing that can happen if you’re adding in a new toy? That you love it? That you won’t like it? If you don’t, that’s fine! Don’t use it again. Play is such an easy way for you to bring some variety.

‘What tips could help me in the bedroom?’

My top tips:

  • Be curious about the other person, and change up your sexual menu. You don’t want to have sex the same way each time! You will get bored… It’s kind of like eating the same meal each time you go out for dinner. It’s nice, but predictable. Add in different restaurants, cuisines and spices.
  • You don’t have to rush straight for the genitals. In fact, I encourage you to move away from rushing towards your usual sexual position and take a step back towards being sensual. Sensual touch is an important part of eroticism. Take your time with your own body or the body of your lover. Don’t move straight to the genitals. Sensual touch can help you connect with yourself and your erotic partner—it helps in giving and receiving affection and being present in the erotic experience.
  • Play music when enjoying erotic activities. You can just really zone in on the moment and not worry about the amount of time it’s taking.

You can find more tips in my book!

Chantelle Otten’s book The Sex Ed You Never Had is out now through Allen & Unwin, available here and at all good book retailers. 

The post ‘My Girlfriend’s Never Cum and I Feel Like a Failure’ appeared first on Men's Health Magazine Australia.
