Mental Health Archives - Men's Health Magazine Australia

Mental Health

Your body is a machine. Here’s how to take care of every part of it—from protecting your heart to injury-proofing your joints—for the long haul.
​7 ways you wreck your body when you don’t get off your butt

​7 ways you wreck your body when you don’t get off your butt

ONE OF THE WORST THINGS you can do to your body is do nothing at all. Being sedentary can do a number on your body – and it can be more dangerous than you might think. Adding to previous research of its kind, authors of a study found that more than 300,000 people saw...

Osher Günsberg on the mental burpee everyone needs to do

Osher Günsberg on the mental burpee everyone needs to do

AS SOMEONE WHO was once on the cover of Men’s Health with my shirt off, I can safely say that in comparison to that photo, I am out of shape. Compared to where I was mentally when that photo was taken, however, right now I’m in way better shape. That’s not to say that...

Baby Reindeer and the lure of the binge-watch

Baby Reindeer and the lure of the binge-watch

BY THE THIRD episode of the hit new Netflix series Baby Reindeer I knew I was in trouble. The credits were rolling, the next episode was cueing up and the countdown was on: seven, six, five, four . . . It was 9.53pm on a ‘school night’. I looked at my wife. Should we...

Why watching sports may be good for your wellbeing

Why watching sports may be good for your wellbeing

GRAB YOUR REMOTE and settle in on the couch. Watching sport, often derided as a practice that produces non-responsive couch potatoes, may actually benefit your health and wellbeing and could lead to positive changes in your brain. With footy season in full swing, the...


In goal-setting mode? Listen to your inner voice

In goal-setting mode? Listen to your inner voice

Expert panellist Dr Zac Seidler has dedicated his career toward understanding men’s mental health and masculinity, subjects he'll be exploring in depth here, in his new column for Men's Health. With goal-setting on many men's agendas at this time of year, he begins by looking at the way external forces can influence what you value and pursue in life and reveals why you might be better to plot a more intuitive path towards growth.

Finding balance: how yoga can help you defy ageing

Finding balance: how yoga can help you defy ageing

Step into the world of wellness with Manoj Dias, your aficionado and fearless trend-chaser. In this column, we're delving deep into the hottest and obscure wellness trends and having candid conversations with pop culture icons. Our mission? Demystify wellness and bring it down to earth for all. First up, Dias recalls his first yoga class and reveals how the ancient practice can help fortify your mind and body as you age.

Isaac Humphries is unshackled

Isaac Humphries is unshackled

After coming out in November 2022, the Adelaide 36ers centre remains the only openly gay professional basketball player in the world. With the NBL's Champion Pride Round underway, Humphries reflects on his journey and the reasons why he’s playing the best basketball of his career.