Sexual Health Archives - Men's Health Magazine Australia

Sexual Health

Your body is a machine. Here’s how to take care of every part of it—from protecting your heart to injury-proofing your joints—for the long haul.
The ultimate guide to prostate massagers

The ultimate guide to prostate massagers

AH, THE PROSTATE. It's the source of so much confusion, misinformation, and awkwardness. But fear not, because you're about to discover the wonderful world of prostate massagers. Yes, you read that right. These little devices are designed to help you explore...

15 secrets to making a partner orgasm every single time

15 secrets to making a partner orgasm every single time

WE TEND TO JUDGE how "good" we are in bed by how frequently we make our partner(s) orgasm. That's not necessarily accurate—since sexual pleasure is about way more than orgasm—but still, it can be disappointing for everyone involved when you climax and your partner...

The beginner’s guide to anal sex

The beginner’s guide to anal sex

AS A TEENAGER, anal sex was something you either swore you would never do because it was gross or something you thought you had to do because it was cool. But in reality, anal is just like any other sexual activity – some people like it, some people hate it, and some...

Wanna Have Multiple Orgasms? Try These Tips and Techniques.

Wanna Have Multiple Orgasms? Try These Tips and Techniques.

WHEN IT COMES to orgasms, you really can't have too much of a good thing. While some people with a clitoris are able to have multiple orgasms fairly easily, it tends to be a bit trickier for the penis-owning population, thanks to that pesky refractory period that...
