Mark Wahlberg Is On A Workout Mission

Mark Wahlberg is on a workout mission

The actor is cranking up the intensity of his workouts ahead of the New Year as he aims to dodge a holiday blowout. Strap in.

HOLLYWOOD SUPERSTAR MARK WAHLBERG has been upping the ante on Instagram lately, giving followers unique glimpses of the workout regimens he’s using to negate holiday blowouts, as well as the work he’s putting in ahead of the New Year. He’s also showing off his abs, which admittedly are motivating forces unto themselves.

While the 52-year-old actor is famous for grinding each and every day, famously beginning his day at 2 am and hitting the gym shortly after, he’s recently targeted some specific goals, kicking things off in the lead-up to Thanksgiving.



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In one post captioned ‘Fasting until Turkey day’ he lifts his shirt to reveal his abs before taking followers through a series of exercises designed to sculpt his torso and arms, including the abs rollout and cable-flys, before showing off his biceps and saying, “Trying to get that peak”. Trust us, the summit of his arms could induce altitude sickness.



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With Thanksgiving over the actor’s now targeting the New Year, with a post captioned ‘Being disciplined will help you achieve your goals’. This one is an arduous full-body routine that includes a deadlift, leg press, elevated KB deadlift and a cable wood chop among others. He finishes the post with the now obligatory flash of his abs before saying: “And the results. Even after Turkey day. C’mon, we got another month before New Year. We got a 30-day head start on everybody. Let’s go. Everybody starts somewhere. Start today.”



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The final post in this dedicated mini holiday workout series is captioned, ‘Get a head start on 2024! Start putting in work now…’ Once again Wahlberg begins with a series of flexes, this time highlighting his back, before launching into another upper body routine consisting of toes-to-bar, cable crossovers, biceps cable-flys, shoulder shrugs, calf raises, a dumbbell front raise to lateral raise combination, before finishing with machine-weighted crunches.

His followers were suitably impressed, with one commenting “50 is the new 25”, another “Batman is that you?” and another simply “Beast”.

What’s notable about the three routines is the heavy use of the cable machine. The benefit of cables is the extra level of control they allow, as well as the variety of angles at your disposal, allowing you to target specific muscles. This is helpful for balancing out muscle imbalances, healing injured muscles, or enhancing your mind-muscle connection.

Does flashing your abs before and after a workout help with focus? If Wahlberg’s progress is any guide, it doesn’t appear to hurt.


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By Ben Jhoty

Ben Jhoty, Men’s Health’s Head of Content, attempts to honour the brand’s health-conscious, aspirational ethos on weekdays while living marginally larger on weekends. A new father, when he’s not rocking an infant to sleep, he tries to get to the gym, shoot hoops and binge on streaming shows.

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