Everything you need to know to elevate your bedroom performance to new heights.

The lifestyle factors that could be impacting your performance in the bedroom
BY THIS POINT, it should be common knowledge that the factors that impact sexual performance aren’t isolated to what happens in the bedroom. Thanks to the advent of the internet, we no longer need to rely on awkward sex-ed classes at school – or worse, our parents –...
‘Challengers’ is the horniest sports movie you’ll ever see
THE SPORTS MOVIE has been part of the film landscape for about as long as moving pictures have existed. We watch live sports to an almost religious degree, so why not devote the same energy to narrative stories (both fictional and nonfictional) being told in the same...
Our Earth Day picks of the best eco-friendly sex toys and products
IN OUR INCREASINGLY eco-conscious world, it is no longer enough for our purchases to fill a need and appeal to us aesthetically, they must also satisfy our desire for environmental friendliness and sustainable practices to take priority over profit margins and...
The ultimate guide to prostate massagers
AH, THE PROSTATE. It's the source of so much confusion, misinformation, and awkwardness. But fear not, because you're about to discover the wonderful world of prostate massagers. Yes, you read that right. These little devices are designed to help you explore...
Asking for a mate . . . with Chantelle Otten
"Dear Chantelle, sometimes I don’t last as long as I’d like in bed. What’s your advice for improving my stamina?" IMPROVING STAMINA IN the bedroom is a common goal for many penis owners, so you're definitely not alone in this. Let's break it down and dive into some...
Yes, Getting Ghosted Sucks. Science Explains Why
Digital Disappearances Are Becoming Ever More Common And For Those Who Need Closure They Can Be Particularly Haunting
How A Little Extra Gratitude Could Save Your Relationship
Tend to get bogged down in your own issues? Take a break from self-absorption
and notice what your partner is doing to keep your boat afloat.
Could A Relationship Be The Key To A Healthier Heart?
We're not saying you should get involved in cuffing season but we're not NOT saying it...
3 Quick Tips For Beating Premature Ejaculation
If the fun's over before it even gets a chance to start, check out these ideas for delaying the big moment.
The Average Penis Size Has Increased – But Scientists Are Concerned
A study of men around the world has found that the average penis size is 24% bigger than it was 30 years ago. This might sound like good news, but experts are worried it could be a sign of increased infertility.
5 Reasons Why Your Penis Might Turn Purple
Little known fact: the original song title was actually "Flying Purple Penis Eater."
Scientists Have Landed On A Male Contraceptive Pill Prototype That Stops Sperm Swimming
Hailed as a major breakthrough in the development of a male contraceptive pill, scientists have discovered a prototype they believe has the potential to be safe and effective for men.
Keen For A Little Anal Excitement? Then You Have To Try A Prostate Massager
The LOKI Wave™ 2 will hit the spot, literally.
This Man Is Suing A Woman $3 Million After Being Friendzoned
In a new low for singles everywhere, one man is now suing a woman for rejecting his advances, instead describing the experience as friendzoning “trauma”.
The Stronger-Erection, Penis-Optimisation Training Plan You Need Now
Time to whip your junk into the best
shape of its life.
Bodybuilder Shares What PED’s Really Do To Your Penis
Seven-time Mr Olympia champion Phil Heath has revealed the surprising effect taking steroids has on a particular area below the belt.