Everything you need to know to elevate your bedroom performance to new heights.

The lifestyle factors that could be impacting your performance in the bedroom
BY THIS POINT, it should be common knowledge that the factors that impact sexual performance aren’t isolated to what happens in the bedroom. Thanks to the advent of the internet, we no longer need to rely on awkward sex-ed classes at school – or worse, our parents –...
‘Challengers’ is the horniest sports movie you’ll ever see
THE SPORTS MOVIE has been part of the film landscape for about as long as moving pictures have existed. We watch live sports to an almost religious degree, so why not devote the same energy to narrative stories (both fictional and nonfictional) being told in the same...
Our Earth Day picks of the best eco-friendly sex toys and products
IN OUR INCREASINGLY eco-conscious world, it is no longer enough for our purchases to fill a need and appeal to us aesthetically, they must also satisfy our desire for environmental friendliness and sustainable practices to take priority over profit margins and...
The ultimate guide to prostate massagers
AH, THE PROSTATE. It's the source of so much confusion, misinformation, and awkwardness. But fear not, because you're about to discover the wonderful world of prostate massagers. Yes, you read that right. These little devices are designed to help you explore...
Asking for a mate . . . with Chantelle Otten
"Dear Chantelle, sometimes I don’t last as long as I’d like in bed. What’s your advice for improving my stamina?" IMPROVING STAMINA IN the bedroom is a common goal for many penis owners, so you're definitely not alone in this. Let's break it down and dive into some...
Can emojis be the wingman you never knew you needed?
From the most popular to the best practices, this is your ultimate guide to safely and correctly using emojis.
The 10 best Valentine’s Day gift ideas
We promise they're not cheesy.
A List of 30 sexual kinks and fetishes we know you’re curious about
With a mind-blowing selection to choose from, take a deep dive into the weird and wonderful list of kinks and fetishes.
How to work out for a longer, better sex life
Looking for longevity in the bedroom? Factor these things into your training to take your sex life to new heights.
The beginner’s guide to anal sex
Anal sex is becoming increasingly popular as we as a society explore new paths of pleasure. Here’s what you need to know before you give it a go.
Wanna Have Multiple Orgasms? Try These Tips and Techniques.
Experts put forward the newest batch of tricks and secrets to implement into your sex life, all it takes is a little practice.
A Sleep Divorce Could Save Your Relationship
Taking the odd nightly snooze in another bed might just be the new way to find better harmony with your partner
The 8 best sex toys for men
Sometimes all a dish needs is a little extra spice. These toys will add exactly that.
110 sexting examples to send your partner right now
Warning! Some of these are NSFW. 😈
New data reveals the top 10 sexy songs of 2023
Talk about ideal mood-setting music. These songs are the most commonly selected backing tracks for the bedroom.
What women want in a partner changes with age
Study shows kindness holds consistent appeal, while confidence becomes more desirable with age.
The sexual position ‘scientifically proven’ to make women climax the most
Dr Rena Malik breaks down the research behind the best position to help your partner reach orgasm every time.